Source code for trouve.find_events

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import toolz

from import Events

[docs]@toolz.curry def find_events(condition, period, name='events', transformations=None): """Find events based off a condition Find events based off a ``bool`` conditional array and apply a sequence of transformation functions to them. The ``find_events`` function is curried via ``toolz.curry``. Most datasets are of the same sample rate, this is a convenience so that one can specify it once. Args: condition (``numpy.ndarray`` or ``pandas.Series`` of ``bool``): Boolean conditional array. period (``float``): Time in seconds between each data point. Requires constant increment data that is uniform across the array. (1/Hz = s) transformations (sequence of ``callable`` 's, optional): Ordered sequence of transformation functions to apply to events. Transformations are applied via ``toolz.pipe()`` name (``str``, optional): Default is ``'events'``. User provided name for events. Returns: :class:``: Returns events found from ``condition`` with any supplied ``transformations`` applied. Examples: >>> import trouve as tr >>> import trouve.transformations as tt >>> import numpy as np >>> deb = tt.debounce(2, 2) >>> offsets = tt.offset_events(-1,2) >>> filt_dur = tt.filter_durations(3, 5) >>> x = np.array([4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 3]) >>> condition = (x > 2) >>> no_transforms = tr.find_events(condition, period=1) >>> events = tr.find_events(condition, period=1, ... transformations=[deb, filt_dur, offsets]) >>> no_transforms.to_array() # doctest: +SKIP array([ 1., 1., 0., 0., 1., 1., 1., 0., 1.]) >>> events.to_array() # doctest: +SKIP array([ 0., 0., 0., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]) """ if isinstance(condition, pd.Series): condition = condition.values if transformations is None: transformations = [] starts, stops = _apply_condition(condition) raw_events = Events(starts, stops, period, name, condition.size) transformed_events = toolz.pipe(raw_events, *transformations) return transformed_events
def _apply_condition(condition): """Distill an array of bool into start and stop indexes Convert a conditional array of bools into two numpy.ndarrays of integers where starts are the indexes where condition goes from False to True. Stops are the indexes where condition goes from True to False. Args: condition (numpy.array of bool): Returns: tuple(numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray): """ if isinstance(condition, pd.core.series.Series): condition = condition.values mask = (condition > 0).view('i1') slice_index = np.arange(mask.size + 1, dtype=np.int32) # Determine if condition is active at array start, set to_begin accordingly if mask[0] == 0: to_begin = np.array([0], dtype='i1') else: to_begin = np.array([1], dtype='i1') # Determine if condition is active at array end, set to_end accordingly if mask[-1] == 0: to_end = np.array([0], dtype='i1') else: to_end = np.array([-1], dtype='i1') deltas = np.ediff1d(mask, to_begin=to_begin, to_end=to_end) starts = < 1, slice_index).compressed() stops = > -1, slice_index).compressed() return starts, stops