Source code for

from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

Occurrence = namedtuple('Occurrence', 'start stop slice duration')

[docs]class Events(object): """Object to represent events found in time series data A representation of events based off a ``bool`` conditional array. Attributes: name (``str``): User provided name for events. _starts (``np.array`` of ``int``): The index for event starts _stops (``np.array`` of ``int``): The index for event stops _period (``float``): Time between each value of the original condition array _condition_size (``int``): The size of the original condition array """ def __init__(self, starts, stops, period, name, condition_size): = name self._starts = starts self._stops = stops self._period = period self._condition_size = condition_size @property def durations(self): """Return a ``numpy.ndarray`` of event durations in seconds. Examples: >>> import trouve as tr >>> x = np.array([2, 2, 4, 5, 3, 2]) >>> condition = x == 2 >>> events = tr.find_events(condition, period=1) >>> events.to_array() # doctest: +SKIP array([1., 1., 0., 0., 0., 1.]) >>> print(events.durations) [2 1] """ durations = (self._stops - self._starts) * self._period return durations
[docs] def to_array(self, inactive_value=0, active_value=1, dtype=None, order='C'): """Returns a ``numpy.ndarray`` identifying found events Useful for plotting or building another mask based on identified events. Parameters: inactive_value (``float``, optional): Default is 0. Value of array where events are not active. active_value (``float``, optional): Default is 1. Value of array where events are active. dtype (``numpy.dtype``, optional): Default is ``numpy.float64``. The datatype of returned array. order (``str``, optional): Default is 'C'. {'C', 'F'} whether to store multidimensional data in C- or Fortran-contiguous (row- or column-wise) order in memory. Returns: ``numpy.ndarray``: An array where values are coded to identify when events are active or inactive. Examples: >>> import trouve as tr >>> x = np.array([2, 2, 4, 5, 3, 2]) >>> condition = x > 2 >>> print(condition) [False False True True True False] >>> events = tr.find_events(condition, period=1) >>> events.to_array() # doctest: +SKIP array([0., 0., 1., 1., 1., 0.]) """ if dtype is None and inactive_value == 0 and active_value == 1: dtype = np.int8 output = np.full(self._condition_size, inactive_value, dtype, order) for event in self: output[event.slice] = active_value return output.astype(dtype)
[docs] def to_series(self, inactive_value=0, active_value=1, index=None, dtype=None, name=None): """Returns a ``pandas.Series`` identifying found events Useful for plotting and for filtering a ``pandas.DataFrame`` Parameters: inactive_value(``float``, optional): Default is 0. Value of array where events are not active. active_value (``float``, optional): Default is 1. Value of array where events are active. index (``array-like`` or ``Index`` (1d)):Values must be hashable and have the same length as data. Non-unique index values are allowed. Will default to RangeIndex(len(data)) if not provided. If both a dict and index sequence are used, the index will override the keys found in the dict. dtype (``numpy.dtype`` or ``None``): If ``None``, ``dtype`` will be inferred. name (``str``, optional): Default is :attr:``. Name of series. Returns: ``pandas.Series``: A series where values are coded to identify when events are active or inactive. Examples: >>> import trouve as tr >>> x = np.array([2, 2, 4, 5, 3, 2]) >>> condition = x > 2 >>> print(condition) [False False True True True False] >>> events = tr.find_events(condition, period=1) >>> events.to_series() 0 0.0 1 0.0 2 1.0 3 1.0 4 1.0 5 0.0 Name: events, dtype: float64 """ if dtype is None and inactive_value == 0 and active_value == 1: dtype = np.int8 if name is None: name = data = self.to_array(inactive_value=inactive_value, active_value=active_value, dtype=dtype) return pd.Series(data=data, index=index, name=name)
def __iter__(self): for start, stop in zip(self._starts, self._stops): occurrence = Occurrence( start=start, stop=stop - 1, slice=slice(start, stop), duration=(stop - start) * self._period ) yield occurrence
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item): """Get a specific :class:`.Occurrence` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import trouve as tr >>> x = np.array([0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0]) >>> example = tr.find_events(x, period=1, name='example') >>> first_event = example[0] >>> print(first_event) Occurrence(start=1, stop=2, slice=slice(1, 3, None), duration=2) """ if isinstance(item, slice): pass else: occurrence = Occurrence( start=self._starts[item], stop=self._stops[item] - 1, slice=slice(self._starts[item], self._stops[item]), duration=(self._stops[item] - self._starts[item]) * self._period ) return occurrence
[docs] def __len__(self): """Returns the number of events found Redirects to :any:`Events._starts` and returns ``Events._starts.size`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import trouve as tr >>> x = np.array([0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0]) >>> example = tr.find_events(x, period=1, name='example') >>> len(example) 2 """ return len(self._starts)
[docs] def __repr__(self): msg = ( '{__class__.__name__}(_starts={_starts!r}, ' '_stops={_stops!r}, ' '_period={_period!r}, ' 'name={name!r}, ' '_condition_size={_condition_size!r})' ).format(__class__=self.__class__, **self.__dict__) return msg
[docs] def __str__(self): """Prints a summary of the events Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import trouve as tr >>> x = np.array([0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0]) >>> example = tr.find_events(x, period=1, name='example') >>> print(example) example Number of events: 2 Min, Max, Mean Duration: 1.000s, 2.000s, 1.500s """ args = [len(self), np.min(self.durations), np.max(self.durations), np.mean(self.durations)] kwargs = {'name': '{}'.format(, 'period': '{}s'.format(self._period)} return ( '{name}' '\nNumber of events: {0}' '\nMin, Max, Mean Duration: {1:.3f}s, {2:.3f}s, {3:.3f}s' ).format(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """Determine if two Events objects are identical Compares :attr:`Events._starts`, :attr:`Events._stops`, :attr:`Events._period` and :attr:`Events.condition.size` to determine if equality of two events. Events objects can have different names and still be equal. Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import trouve as tr >>> x = np.array([0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0]) >>> example = tr.find_events(x, period=1, name='example') >>> other = tr.find_events(x, period=1, name='other') >>> id(example) # doctest: +SKIP 2587452050568 >>> id(other) # doctest: +SKIP 2587452084352 >>> example == other True >>> example != other False """ if (np.all(self._starts == other._starts) and np.all(self._stops == other._stops) and self._period == other._period and self._condition_size == other._condition_size): return True else: return False
def __hash__(self): """Numpy arrays aren't hashable. Researching solution that doesn't require something beyond standard lib. """ return id(self)